Course curriculum

  • 2

    Chapter 1: The Instructor

    • The Elements of an Instructor

    • Characteristics Attributes and Skills

    • Instructing Styles

    • Instructing Techniques

    • Quiz Time

    • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • 3

    Chapter 2: The Student

    • 3 Stages of Learning

    • The Cognitive Stage

    • The Associative Stage

    • Autonomous Stage

    • Quiz Time

    • Chapter 2 Quiz

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    Chapter 3: Ergogenic Aids

    • Ergogenic Aids - Legal

    • Ergogenic Aids - Illegal

    • Quiz Time

    • Chapter 3 Quiz

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    Chapter 4: Sports Psychology

    • Sport Psychology & Psychologist

    • Anatomical and Physiological Differences Affecting Performance

    • Biological and Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Performance

    • Quiz Time

    • Chapter 4 Quiz

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    Chapter 5: Injury Prevention & Assessments

    • Injury Prevention


    • Concussion

    • Heat Stress

    • Summary of Sports Injuries/Research Topics

    • Quiz Time

    • Chapter 5 Quiz

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    Chapter 6: Groups, Influences & Factors in Participation

    • Groups Breakdown

    • Influences in Groups

    • Involvement Factors

    • Socio-Cultural Factors

    • Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation Factors

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    Chapter 7: Personality Traits & Characteristics

    • Defining the D.O.P.E Personality Test

    • The Dove

    • The Owl

    • The Peacock

    • The Eagle

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...a quick Survey!