Interested in Becoming PFIC Certified?

Resources like this one are provided free to PFIC Certified Instructors

Course curriculum

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    Welcome to your resource library!

    • How to access your resources

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    Hand Grips & Mounts

    • Hand Grips

    • Single Knee Mount

    • Step Tuck Mount

    • Pike Mount

    • Straddle Mount

    • Flyer Mount

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    Entries & Exits

    • Walking Hands Entry

    • Side Roll Up/Over Entry

    • Hip Roll Up Entry

    • Back Roll Up Entry

    • Walk Down Roll Out Exit

    • Shelf Drop Exit

    • Forward Roll Exit

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    Under the Hoop (Under Bottom Bar)

    • Front Toe Circles

    • Back Toe Circles

    • Ball Tuck

    • Double Knee Hang

    • Closed Double Knee Hang

    • Arrow

    • Straddle

    • Pike

    • Leg Hooks L & R

    • Fallen Arrow

    • Stargazer

    • Birdsnest

    • UnderSplits

    • UnderStags

    • Running Man